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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Week after Week #11

Go to fullsize imageThe Interviews return on Monday with Bestselling author Gary Corby and  Sean Ferrell on Tuesday

But until then, an INTERMISSION!! Imagine the sound of "The Girl from Ipanema" in the background as you run to the concession stand for Red Vines, Milk Duds and double espresso.   
  • I know why some author's succeed and others fail. The Interviews have taught me a supreme lesson that I will pass on to you: Never stop promoting your work, EVER and honor your commitments
  • Peter Ginna had more full page readers in a one hour period than any other guest so far. The all round numbers winner so far? Brian Haig. I'm betting Sean Ferrell gives him a run for his money on December 14th.
  • Funny how the guests with the most views have people that believe in them enough to help get the word out...funny... Note to authors: make sure the people that are supposed to be helping you, actually are
  • Next month's guests so far: Robert Hicks, Tasha Alexander, Jeff Somers, Norb Vonnegut, Ben Greenman, Diana Pharoah Francis, Joelle Anthony, John Lescroart and agent Jeff Kleinman, editor Dave King
  • Starting Short Story Saturday's this week with a grreat piece by Norb Vonnegut. Interested? Submit 800 word max storys to . I'll notify each of the worthy, who will get the page for the day.
  • Sunday will be a bit of a travel piece from an author friend of mine "languishing" on the sunny beaches of Bohol, Phillipines... Many may envy the talented Sarah and her husband Myk's lifestyle... Not me, nope, nope nope...bitch
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  • Finally, what guys think a Romantic Comedy involving modern day Pirates will be like, may differ from that of a woman. It was fun building Tawna Fenske's page though... (Note to self: think over the author's right to approve page before posting)

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